It’s me again, Lord. Thank you for putting me to bed and waking me up to this lovely morning. Lord, I beseech you to show me how to live my life with each passing day.

Fill my heart with pleasure and gladness, and remind me of all the things in my life for which I am thankful.

Please remind me that you love me whenever negative ideas enter my head.

Fill me with your grace, Lord, so that I can face the challenges of today. I have no idea what today will bring, but prepare me, Lord, for whatever it may be.

Please remind me when I begin to feel powerless and hopeless that you have my back. When I’m feeling down about my life, please remind me that you made me for a reason.

I trust that your plans for me are better than anything I could ever ask for, so mold and guide me to your purpose for me. Amen, I pray in Jesus’ name.

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